96 Hour Mental Health Forms - Application to Court for 96 Hour Detention, Evaluation and Treatment
Note: If there is an emergency, you should call 911. Two affidavits are required, and each affidavit must be notarized.
180 Day Outpatient Mental Health - Petition for Outpatient Detention and Treatment-not to exceed 180 days.
10320b |
Affidavit - Pursuant to 452.780 |
CV355 |
Affidavit for Payment to Sheriff by Appointed Server
(To be included with Confirmation of Service as Evidence of Payment to the Deputy Sheriff Salary Supplementation Fund Pursuant to Section 57.280, RSMo, effective 8/28/23)
10602 |
Annual Report of Conservator - For Minor Conservatorships on No Further Process (NFP) |
10559 |
Annual/Final Settlement (Pages 1 & 2) |
PR535 |
Annual Status Report and Statement of Affairs of Guardian and Conservator
PR530 |
Annual Status Report of Guardian
Application and Order to Extend Time for Complying With Exception Letter |
Application and Order to Extend Time for Filing Annual Report of Guardian/Annual Statement of Affairs |
10572 |
Application and Order to Extend Time for Filing Final Receipts |
10264 |
Application and Order to Extend Time for Filing Inventory (Secs. 473.233 - 475.145) |
10553 |
Application and Order to Extend Time for Filing Settlement |
Application and Order to Extend Time for Filing Statement of Account |
10162 |
Application for Allowance of Attorney's Compensation (Sec. 473.153, RSMO) |
10160 |
Application for Allowance of Compensation to Personal Representative (Sec. 473.153 RSMO) |
10640 |
Application of Surviving Spouse for Exempt Property Allowance (Sec. 474.250, RSMO) |
10642 |
Application of Surviving Spouse for Family Allowance (Sec. 474.260, RSMO) |
10644 |
Application of Surviving Spouse for Homestead Allowance (Sec. 474.290, RSMO) |
GN318 |
Application to Inspect Confidential Court Records |
10119 |
Bond of Conservator with Corporate Surety |
10501 |
Bond of Creditor - Creditor's Bond (Sec. 473.090, RSMO) |
10621 |
Bond of Distributees with Corporate Surety (Sec. 473.097, RSMO) |
10032 |
Bond of Personal Representative with Corporate Surety (Sec. 473.157, RSMO) |
Business Records Affidavit |
19681 |
Certificate of Deposit (Sec.474.510) |
10444 |
Change of Address/Contact Information |
10140 |
Claim Against Estate (Sec. 473.360 and 475.205, RSMO) |
10194 |
Consent to Appointment by Proposed Guardian and Conservator |
Debit Account - Request to Establish or Modify a Probate Debit Account
10340 |
Decree to Deliver Assets (Sec. 475.330) |
10020 |
Designation and Acceptance of Resident Agent (Sec. 473.117, RSMO) |
10020a |
Designation and Acceptance of Resident Agent (Sec. 475.055 RSMO) |
10593 |
Final Settlement Approved - Order of Distribution |
10214 |
Final Settlement Approved Finding and Decree of Heirship and Distribution (Sec.475.320.1) |
10581 |
Final Settlement Approved: Finding and Decree of Distribution (Testate Estate, Personal Property Only) (Secs. 473.583 and 473.617, RSMO) |
10584 |
Final Settlement Approved: Finding and Decree of Heirship (Intestate Estate, Personal Property Only) (Secs. 473.583 and 473.617 RSMO) |
10583 |
Final Settlement Approved: Finding and Decree of Succession and Distribution (Testate Estate, Real and Personal Property) (Secs. 473.583 and 473.617, RSMO) |
10582 |
Final Settlement Approved: Finding and Decree of Succession; Order of Discharge (Testate Estate, Real Property Only) (Secs. 473.583 and 473.617, RSMO) |
10586 |
Final Settlement Approved; Finding and Decree of Heirship, Succession and Distribution (Intestate Estate, Real and Personal Property) (Secs. 473.583 and 473.617 RSMO) |
10585 |
Final Settlement Approved; Finding and Decree of Heirship and Succession, and Discharge (Intestate Estate, Real Property Only) (Secs. 473.583 and 473.615, RSMO) |
Garnishment Forms:
Garnishment Application and Order
Interrogatories to Garnishee
10194a |
Information for Guardians and Conservators |
10320a |
Information Re Proposed Ward |
Informational Sheet: Contested Minor Guardianship |
10260 |
Inventory of Property |
10141 |
Judgment on Secured Claim (Secs. 473.287, 473.290, RSMO) |
CIRCT 1030 |
Lost Check Affidavit |
10022 |
Missouri HealthNet Disclosure (Sec. 473.398, RSMO) |
10193f |
Nomination of Guardian/Conservator (Sec. 475.050, RSMO) |
10558 |
Notice of Filing of Final Settlement and Petition for Distribution (Sec. 473.587, RSMO); Proof of Mailing of Copy of Notice of Filing of Final Settlement and Petition for Distribution (Sec. 473.587, RSMO) |
10197 |
Notice of Filing of Final Settlement and Petition for Distribution (Sec. 475.320, RSMO) |
10608 |
Notice of Filing of Petition for Complete Settlement of the Estate and Proposed Order of Distribution (Sec. 473.837); Proof of Mailing of Copy of Notice of Filing of Petition for Complete Settlement of the Estate and Proposed Order of Distribution (sec. 473.837) |
10605 |
Notice of Filing of Statement of Account and Schedule of Proposed Distribution/Proof of Mailing of Copy of Notice of Filing of Statement of Account and Schedule of Proposed Disposition (Sec. 473.840) |
10474 |
Notice of Hearing on Sale of Real Property (Sec. 473.493, RSMO) |
10363 |
Notice to Unknown Heirs (Sec. 473.040) |
10186ax |
Order Admitting Ward to Facility (Sec. 475.121, RSMO) - Until specified expiration date |
10186x |
Order Admitting Ward to Facility (Sec. 475.121, RSMO) - Until released by facility or upon further order of the court |
10161 |
Order Allowing Compensation (Secs. 473.153 and 475.265, RSMO) |
10163 |
Order Allowing Compensation to Attorney (Secs. 473.153 and 475.265, RSMO) |
10482 |
Order Approving and Confirming Sale of Real Property (Sec. 473.513, RSMO) |
10331 |
Order Approving Final Settlement and for Distribution |
10574 |
Order Approving Final Settlement of Deceased Representative (Sec. 473.603) |
10335 |
Order Approving Settlement and of No Further Process - Minor - Restricted Funds |
10213 |
Order Approving Settlement and Order of No Further Process - Adult - All income needed for support of protectee |
10213a |
Order Approving Settlement and Order of No Further Process - Adult - Bond Waived |
10594 |
Order Discharging Fiduciary (Sec. 473.660, RSMO) |
10338 |
Order Dispensing with Conservatorship - When Minor's estate is not derived from existing decedent estate |
10641 |
Order for Exempt Property Allowance to Surviving Spouse (Sec. 474.250, RSMO) |
10643 |
Order for Family Allowance to Surviving Spouse (Sec. 474.260, RSMO) |
10472 |
Order for Hearing on Petition to Sell Real Property (Sec. 473.493, RSMO) |
10645 |
Order for Homestead Allowance for Surviving Spouse (Sec. 474.290, RSMO) |
10333 |
Order of Discharge |
10228 |
Order of No Further Process - Adult - Restricted Assets or Trust Assets |
10335a |
Order of No Further Process - Minor - (Sec. 208.180, RSMO) |
10268 |
Order Terminating Administration on Return of Inventory and Appraisement |
10114 |
Order to Deposit Securities in Restricted Custody |
10325 |
Order to Dispense with Conservatorship (Sec. 475.330, RSMO) - When Minor's estate is derived from existing decedent estate. |
10531 |
Order to Invest Funds in Restricted Account |
10191 |
Order to Proceed in Conservatorship Estate without Administration |
10461 |
Order to Sell Personal Property (Secs. 473.460, 473.487 475.200, RSMO) |
10475 |
Order to Sell Real Property (Secs. 473.493, 473.500, RSMO) |
10470 |
Petition for an Order to Sell Real Property (Sec. 473.460, 473.463, 473.493, RSMO) |
10339 |
Petition for Approval of Final Settlement and for Order to Deliver Assets - Minor Protectee |
10573 |
Petition for Approval of Final Settlement and Order of Distribution (Sec. 473.583, RSMO) - Decedent Estate |
10227 |
Petition for Approval of Settlement and for No Further Process - Adult Protectee (Restricted Assets/Trust Assets) |
10334 |
Petition for Approval of Settlement and for No Further Process - Minor (Restricted Assets) |
10212 |
Petition for Approval of Settlement and Order for No Further Process - Adult Protectee (208) |
10607 |
Petition for Order of Complete Settlement of Estate (Sec. 473.837) - Decedent Estate - Independent Administration - Judicial Closing |
10210 |
Petition for Restoration (Sec. 475.083.4, RSMO) |
10460 |
Petition for Sale of Personal Property (Secs. 473.487, 475.200, RSMO) |
10188 |
Petition for Temporary Detention (Sec. 475.355, RSMO) |
10185 |
Petition to Admit Ward to Facility (Sec. 475.121, RSMO) |
10223 |
Petition to Decrease Authority of Fiduciary (Sec. 475.083.4, RSMO) |
10113 |
Petition to Deposit Securities in Restricted Custody (Sec. 473.160, RSMO) |
10337 |
Petition to Dispense with Conservatorship - When Minor's estate is not derived from existing decedent estate. |
10324 |
Petition to Dispense with Conservatorship (Sec. 473.30, RSMO) - When Minor's estate is derived from existing decedent estate. |
10222 |
Petition to Increase Authority of Fiduciary (Sec. 475.83.7, RSMO) |
10530 |
Petition to Invest Funds in Restricted Account |
FI-50 |
Probate Party Information Sheet - FI-50 Confidential Case Filing Information Sheet |
10575 |
Receipt of Distributee (Sec. 473.660, RSMO) |
10332 |
Receipt of Protectee (Sec. 475.315, RSMO) |
10477 |
Report of Private Sale of Real Property (Secs. 473.513, 475.240, RSMO) |
10451 |
Request for Commissions |
10449 |
Request for Copies |
10407 |
Request for Final Court Costs Estimate |
10369 |
Request of Interested Person for Notice by Mail (Sec. 473.030, RSMO) |
10371 |
Request of Judgment Creditor for Notice by Mail (Sec. 473.618 RSMO) |
10370 |
Request for Hearing |
10050 |
Statement as to Death and Presentment of Instrument in Writing for Probate |
10051 |
Statement as to Filing of Instrument in Writing |
10606 |
Statement of Account (Sec. 473.840)
Annual Statement of Account
Final Statement of Account with Schedule of Distribution
10143 |
Stipulation of Settlement of Claim Against Estate |
Subpoena |
10190 |
Suggestion of Death of Protectee and Petition that No Letters of Administration be Granted and to Close the Estate
Proposed Judgment to Proceed in Conservatorship Estate Without Administration
10535 |
Verification of Conservator's Possession of Securities |
10532 |
Verification of Restricted Deposits |
10533 |
Verification of Restricted Deposit of Securities |
10534 |
Verification of Unrestricted Deposits |
Waiver of Notice (Sec. 472.130, RSMO)
Waiver of Notice - (Comprehensive)
10330 |
Waiver of Notice of Final Settlement - (Waiver of Former Protectee or Successor Fiduciary) |