Emergency Closings

Court Emergency Call-in Phone Number


The normal business hours of the 16th Judicial Circuit in Jackson County are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.  If you want to know if the court is closed due to an unexpected reason,  you can call a recorded message at 816-881-3230.  

In addition to accessing the court in person, you can also access the court and its services by phone, e-mail, drop box or fax.  The records departments have ways for litigants who do not have an attorney to file their documents so they do not need to file in-person.  You can find phone numbers and contact information for all departments on the home page of the website under “Departments.”

In addition to in-person hearings, judges are sometimes conducting hearings by telephone or video conferencing.   Please check Missouri Case.net for the latest information.  There is also a link to Missouri Case.net on the Court’s home page.  You can also sign up for “Track My Case” in order to receive an electronic notification of your court date.  Instructions on how to sign up for “Track My Case” are on the home page of Missouri Case.net.

You can also contact the judge's division that has your case to inquire how a hearing will be held.  Those phone numbers are available under "Our Judges" on the gold banner at the top of the page.  

If the court is closed due to inclement weather or an unexpected reason, that information will be posted on the home page of this website under "Public and Legal Notices."  You may also call an Emergency Call-in Line that will have updated information.  That phone number is 816-881-3230.  However, do not leave a message on this phone line, as it is not monitored and phone messages will not be returned.

The Court's Facebook page will also post information if the courthouse is closed.   A link to that page is at the bottom of this website.  Or you can click here.   https://www.facebook.com/SixteenthJudicialCircuit

In the event of an emergency courthouse closing, area news organizations will be notified.  You may also sign up to receive emergency closing information through Nixle.  Information about Nixle is on the bottom of the Court’s home page.