(Amended – Effective August 28, 2018)
COST DEPOSITS: The following table sets forth the required cost deposit which must accompany the initial application/petition:
I. Decedent’s Estates: Where letters testamentary or administration are applied for:
$190.50 (Effective 7/1/21)
Note: If the will was previously admitted, then the filing fee due is $155.50.
$155.50 (Effective 7/1/21)
II. Guardianships and Conservatorships:
A. Minor – Person Only (Does not include fee for service)
Note: Although a separate case must be filed for each minor, you may submit a single filing fee to cover the cost of all sibling cases filed in the same day. Please include a note to clerk indicating the names of the sibling cases.
$100.50 (Effective 7/1/21)
B. Minor – Person and Estate or Estate Only (Does not include fee for service)
Note: Although a separate case must be filed for each minor, you may submit a single filing fee to cover the cost of all sibling cases filed in the same day. Please include a note to clerk indicating the names of the sibling cases.
$100.50 (Effective 7/1/21)
C. Incapacitated – Person Only (Does not include fee for service)
$115.50 (Effective 7/1/21)
D. Incapacitated and Disabled – Person and Estate or Estate only (Does not include fee for service)
$115.50 (Effective 7/1/21)
E. Close Conservatorship under Section 475.320
$55.50 (Effective 7/1/21)
III. Miscellaneous Matters:
A. Refusal of Letters
1. Spouse and Unmarried Minor Child
Includes one attested/certified copy of order
$55.50 (Effective 7/1/21)
2. Creditor
Includes one attested/certified copy of order
$55.50 (Effective 7/1/21)
B. Small Estate Affidavit
Includes one certified copy of order
If admitting will at time of filing of Small Estate
$55.50 (Effective 7/1/21)
C. Dispense with Conservatorship Minor (Sec. 475.330)
$55.50 (Effective 7/1/21)
D. Sale of Real Property by non-resident Conservator
$55.50 (Effective 7/1/21)
E. Determination of Heirship (Does not include fee for service)
$55.50 (Effective 7/1/21)
F. Petition to require administration (Does not include fee for service)
$55.50 (Effective 7/1/21)
G. Grant of letters in decedent estate where sole purpose of estate is for PR to file final settlement of deceased fiduciary
$55.50 (Effective 7/1/21)
H. Trusts and Other Civil Filings
Each new filing, appointment of successor trustee, Petition to set aside irrevocable trust, trust registration, Durable Power of Attorney, non-probate transfer, Transfer to minor
$85.50 (Effective 7/1/21)
I. Initial proceeding for letters for person absent for five or more years
$155.50 (Effective 7/1/21)
J. Grant letters D/B/N when estate reopened after discharges
$155.50 (Effective 7/1/21)
K. File Will of Decedent (No other proceedings) |
$0.00 |
L. Admit Will to Probate (No other proceedings) |
$55.50 (Effective 7/1/21) |
M. Each Commission to Prove Will
N. Transmitting original Will to another Court
Certified Mail Cost Only
O. Deposit of Will for Safekeeping (Will deposited during testator's lifetime)
The above deposits do not cover the cost of copies of certificates, which are additional. Copies furnished by the court are $0.30 per page.
Authenticated Copies are $6.00
Certified & Attested Copies are $4.00
There will be no charge for copies to any party who has been allowed to proceed in forma pauperis or any state, county or city office.
The court, in particular matters, may require, at any time, an additional cost deposit to cover the accrued or estimated future costs.
Copies may be charged to the estate if the fiduciary or the fiduciary’s attorney is requesting the copies, and if the estate is currently open, and final court costs have not yet been calculated.