It is the mission of Field Services to continuously create and carry out habilitation and rehabilitative initiatives that provide youth and their families with coping skills, competencies, and experiences that prevent referral to and further penetration into the Justice system.
Volunteers work with the youth at home and in residential programs providing services such as tutoring and life skills. The 2Connect Mentoring Program aims to enrich the lives of youth by providing them with positive role models as mentors. We are always in need of new volunteers and mentors!
Standard probation follows the strength-based and restorative justice model, which balances community protection, juvenile accountability, and the provision of pro-social skills and opportunities. Specialty probation programs include: sex offender treatment, gender specific supervision, and intensive supervision services (ISS) for high risk youth.
Restitution Services operates within the framework of restorative justice, educating youth about the impact of crime on victims and their families, offenders families, neighborhoods, and communities.
The CRGH serves as an alternative to detention for pre-adjudicated youth and a sanctions program for probation youth. It also serves as a respite program for youth and families needing temporary relief from family stress. The facility is also available as a step-down program for re-entry youth as they transition from residential placement to home and/or community living. The program aims to teach youth strength-based pro-social skills and in an academically enriched environment.