Family and Juvenile Court FAQ

How do I submit the same document for each juvenile in a sibling group?

For existing cases, we recommend that you submit one document for multiple siblings by adding all siblings’ names with their case numbers to the document heading.  Submitting one document saves you time in preparing, uploading and filing.  Family Court Records will copy the filed document to each sibling case.

 How do I submit a proposed order?

Contact the division to determine if the Judge or Commissioner accepts proposed orders through eFiling or requires you to e-mail one in WORD format directly to the division.

 How do I add a juvenile or minor plaintiff/petitioner when I do not have a Social Security Number or Date of Birth?

Select party type Other Party.  Other Party does not require Social Security Number, Date of Birth or Gender information.

 How will I access corresponding cases for discovery purposes?

You may file a motion to access records.  If an order is issued, Family Court Records will print out the dispositional orders and provide them to the attorney.  Copy fees are collected as required by 16th Circuit Local Rule 7.2 - Duplicating Policy.

Will I be able to see social file material i.e. police reports, complaints, Children’s Division reports, medical reports, psychological reports through

No.  Only public legal documents can be viewed by the registered attorney.  You may continue to review and copy social file material at the Family Justice Center Record Room.

 How do I obtain subpoena forms?

Subpoenas are located on the courts website under Family Court Forms.

 Will I need to set up a separate debit account for Kansas City, Independence and the Family Court?  How will we be notified when the account is set up?

Yes, a separate account will be needed for Family Court matters.  All Kansas City and Independence filings can pull from one account, however, for Family Court matters, a separate account must be established.  Contact the Family Court at the number and/or e-mail provided for help in setting up your account.  You will be notified by e-mail of your Account ID when the account is set up.

 Will I get an automatic notice when funds are drawn on my account? 

No.  However, you can go to your “My Payments” folder to see the transaction activity that has occurred in your account.

 Can I check the balance in my account on line?

Not at this time.  However, OSCA has received suggestions to make that possible and it should be a short term future enhancement.  Feel free to contact the OSCA Help Desk and add your request for this enhancement as well.  The volume of requests for the same enhancement may serve to move it up the priority list.

 Will I receive a notice if the funds in my account are running low?

Yes.  An e-mail notice will be sent to you when your account balance hits your established minimum balance.

Electronic Filing Help

For assistance with the Missouri E-filing system, the Court encourages users with questions or concerns to contact the help desk of the Office of State Courts Administrator (OSCA).

The e-mail address is:

Or, call toll-free at: (888) 541-4894.