Jury Reporting Updates

To find out if your jury service has been cancelled, please click on the location where you were directed to report. This information is listed in the lower left-hand corner of your summons. If you have lost your summons and are unsure of where to report, please contact the jury office at either 816-881-3602 or 816-881-1619.

Kansas City
415 E. 12th Street, Room 301
Kansas City, MO 64106
308 W. Kansas, Room 157
Independence, MO 64050


If you have not already done so, please opt in to receive either text messages and/or e-mail notices from us through our eJuror system (eJuror).  This will allow us to notify you if your service is cancelled and could prevent you from making an unnecessary trip to the courthouse.

When reporting, you will be required to pass through security.  Individuals carrying prohibited items will be required to return them to their vehicle or dispose of them before entering the building.  Prohibited items include, but are not limited to: 

  • any firearm or other weapon
  • any sharp objects such as metal utensils, knitting needles, scissors, tools or knives of any sort
  • flammable chemicals including hair spray, pepper spray or mace


In keeping with the dignity and serious nature of court proceedings, proper attire is required in the courtrooms. Temperatures in the courthouses can vary, so you are also encouraged to bring a sweater or jacket.

Lunch is not provided for jurors by the Court. You may bring your lunch if you wish, or there are several restaurants within walking distance of the courthouses. More detailed information regarding eating establishments is posted in the jury assembly rooms. There are also vending machines located in the courthouses near the jury assembly rooms.

You should plan to be at the courthouse for the entire day.  In fact, at times, jurors are at the courthouse past 5:00 p.m., so please expect a long day.  You should also expect to have some downtime, so please bring a book, craft, or something else to occupy you during your downtime. However, keep in mind that sharp objects such as knitting needles and scissors are prohibited.

Laptops, cell phones and other electronic devices are permitted in the courthouses. Free WiFi access is also available in the jury assembly rooms.