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Private Process Server List




In accordance with Local Rule 4.9, paragraph 4, and applicable statutes and Supreme Court rules, and pursuant to proper application thereunder, the following name(s) shall be added to the Court Administrator's list of persons qualified to serve process within the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit of the State of Missouri:

Approved Private Process Servers - 2024
Name   Registration Number
Rashad Abdul-Rahiem   PPS24-0480
Madison Abercrombie   PPS24-0532
Russell Adair   PPS24-0001
Randy Adkins   PPS24-0002
Paul Aizel   PPS24-0156
Joseph Alexander   PPS24-0380
Alisha Allen   PPS24-0003
Jason Allen   PPS24-0459
Jerry Allen   PPS24-0460
Dana Altieri   PPS24-0537
Andrew Alvey   PPS24-0004
Brianna Anderson   PPS24-0006
Cody Anderson   PPS24-0007
Robert Anderson   PPS24-0005
Azita Aramjoo   PPS24-0350
Tracy Arnold   PPS24-0157
Jeffrey Aronson   PPS24-0158
Steve Banales   PPS24-0008
Monica Banks   PPS24-0009
Raymond Bardy   PPS24-0159
Everett Barger III   PPS24-0405
Carl Barnet   PPS24-0010
Robert J Baska   PPS24-0476
Damien Baugher   PPS24-0479
Michelle Baugher   PPS24-0436
Ann Beletsky   PPS24-0011
Bernard Beletsky   PPS24-0012
Myesha Bell   PPS24-0547
Jolynn Beltz   PPS24-0406
Daniel Benson   PPS24-0518
Garrett Bentlage   PPS24-0407
Macey Bergsten   PPS24-0013
Lawrence Berkland   PPS24-0481
Mario Bertuccelli   PPS24-0014
Heather Beseke   PPS24-0160
Daniel Blackwell   PPS24-0015
Mark Blackwell   PPS24-0381
Shanna Blackwell   PPS24-0161
Brian Blair   PPS24-0162
Kevin Blanchard   PPS24-0163
Heather Blegstad   PPS24-0016
Sydney Bliss   PPS24-0017
Thomas Bogue   PPS24-0164
Charissa Boldridge   PPS24-0018
Stancy Bond   PPS24-0165
Dinah Bounds   PPS24-0494
Phoenix Bower   PPS24-0512
Mark Braden   PPS24-0019
Scott Brady   PPS24-0020
Wendy Jo Bricker-Betts   PPS24-0021
Brittany Bridgeford   PPS24-0022
William Brock   PPS24-0382
Kathy Broom   PPS24-0166
Gabriella Bucciachio   PPS24-0167
Linda Bucciachio   PPS24-0168
Nicole Bucklew   PPS24-0461
Nicholas Bull   PPS24-0169
Brent Burmeister   PPS24-0170
Gary Burmeister   PPS24-0171
Carl Burnett   PPS24-0172
Rick Burrows   PPS24-0023
Gary Burt   PPS24-0173
Zachary Buschmann   PPS24-0499
Steve Butcher   PPS24-0024
Bobby Calvert   PPS24-0174
Anna Canole   PPS24-0175
Andre Carnes II   PPS24-0345
Richard Carter II   PPS24-0352
Charles Casey   PPS24-0176
Gina Cash   PPS24-0177
George Castillo   PPS24-0178
Christopher Caudle   PPS24-0408
David F Chalfant   PPS24-0437
Caleb Chambers   PPS24-0353
Carolyn Champlin   PPS24-0025
Kevin Chapins   PPS24-0462
Scott Cisney   PPS24-0026
Nicholas Cobb   PPS24-0027
Randy Cobb   PPS24-0028
Jessica Coffel   PPS24-0500
Ryan Cole   PPS24-0179
Chad Compton   PPS24-0180
David Conarroe   PPS24-0383
Kenneth Condrey   PPS24-0181
Sharon Condrey   PPS24-0182
John J Cooley Jr.   PPS24-0384
Lenora Cope   PPS24-0489
Shane Cornelison   PPS24-0183
Ernesto Coronado   PPS24-0184
James Cox   PPS24-0029
Kanina Cox   PPS24-0531
Charlie Cracraft   PPS24-0401
Peggy Cranston-Butcher   PPS24-0030
Kathleen Crisp   PPS24-0538
Scott Crist   PPS24-0031
Samantha Curl   PPS24-0186
Tremayne Curls   PPS24-0187
David Curry   PPS24-0513
David Curry Jr.   PPS24-0514
Dennis Dahlberg   PPS24-0438
Abigail Dauma   PPS24-0410
Philip Dauma   PPS24-0409
Vito Davis   PPS24-0188
Dewayne Day   PPS24-0385
Bryce Dearborn   PPS24-0189
Wyatt E Decker   PPS24-0477
Noah DeHardt   PPS24-0032
Robert DeLacy III   PPS24-0190
Robert DeLacy Jr.   PPS24-0191
Dominic Della Porte   PPS24-0192
Lori Denk   PPS24-0033
Ariel Derr   PPS24-0486
Richard Dietz Jr.   PPS24-0193
Scott Dixon   PPS24-0034
Dana Dodd   PPS24-0543
Claudia Dohn   PPS24-0194
Brian Doles   PPS24-0035
Angela Donahue   PPS24-0490
Amy Donarski   PPS24-0195
Aaron Donarski Sr.   PPS24-0195
Dale Dorning   PPS24-0197
John Dressler   PPS24-0198
Rebecca Dressler   PPS24-0199
Chris Drummond   PPS24-0439
Peter Duffey   PPS24-0354
Michael Dunard   PPS24-0200
Eric Dunn   PPS24-0355
Joshua Dunn   PPS24-0201
Anthony Dunne   PPS24-0440
Kurt Eckard   PPS24-0036
Stephanie Eckard   PPS24-0356
Kevin J Eifert   PPS24-0037
Howard Elder   PPS24-0411
Jacki Elder   PPS24-0412
Roger Elliott Jr.   PPS24-0434
David Eskelin   PPS24-0038
Donald Eskra Jr.   PPS24-0202
Cindy Ethridge   PPS24-0039
Ronald Facklam   PPS24-0413
Richard Fairbanks   PPS24-0203
Jeffery Faudere   PPS24-0414
Brandon Fisher   PPS24-0040
Amber Flowers   PPS24-0043
Kaydence Flowers   PPS24-0041
Richard Flowers   PPS24-0042
Steven Flynn   PPS24-0204
Dana Fortner   PPS24-0501
Ryan Fortune   PPS24-0205
Daniel Foster   PPS24-0206
Bryan Freed   PPS24-0044
Keeyan Funk   PPS24-0463
Robert Gaiser   PPS24-0346
Ronald Gamm Jr.   PPS24-0357
Myisha Gates   PPS24-0548
Natalie Gay   PPS24-0207
Patti Gay   PPS24-0208
Richard Gerber   PPS24-0209
Jill Getman   PPS24-0045
Kurie Ghershini   PPS24-0046
Kevin Gilgour   PPS24-0502
Holly Gilmore   PPS24-0358
Adam Golden   PPS24-0210
Savannah Gomez   PPS24-0047
Bradley Gordon   PPS24-0211
Dana Gouge   PPS24-0386
Mackenzie Green   PPS24-0048
Kimberly Greenway   PPS24-0212
Dawn Griffin-Luce   PPS24-0213
Paul Grimes   PPS24-0214
Jennifer Grupp   PPS24-0049
Charles Gunning   PPS24-0215
Mark Hagood   PPS24-0216
Eric Hahn   PPS24-0050
Ashley Hale   PPS24-0441
Natussja Hall   PPS24-0217
Chantaye K Hamilton   PPS24-0549
Darnell Hamilton   PPS24-0051
James Hannah   PPS24-0052
Rufus Harmon   PPS24-0053
Dennis Harrington   PPS24-0464
Katherine Harrison   PPS24-0545
Keith Harrison   PPS24-0387
Christy Hartline   PPS24-0218
James Harvey Jr.   PPS24-0219
Jennifer Hatch   PPS24-0442
Brook Haverstick   PPS24-0359
Eltrous Hawthorne   PPS24-0054
John Haylock   PPS24-0495
Grace Hazell   PPS24-0220
Stephen Heitz   PPS24-0221
Austen Hendrickson   PPS24-0222
Sharon Hendrickson   PPS24-0223
Elizabeth Henson   PPS24-0224
Nina Hertaus   PPS24-0225
Reed Hess   PPS24-0482
Michael Hibler   PPS24-0226
Trinity Hibler   PPS24-0227
Mindy Hicks   PPS24-0055
Moses Hicks   PPS24-0056
Bridgette Hight   PPS24-0057
Wendy Hilgenberg   PPS24-0487
James Hise   PPS24-0443
Samuel Hodgson   PPS24-0058
Erin Hoefle   PPS24-0415
Theodore Hoefle   PPS24-0360
Andrew Hogan   PPS24-0539
Bobbi Jo Hohnholt   PPS24-0361
Wayne Holcomb   PPS24-0059
Aaron Holt   PPS24-0230
Jenna Holt   PPS24-0229
Daniel House Jr.   PPS24-0362
Ricardo Houston   PPS24-0491
Ali Howat   PPS24-0540
McKenna Howe   PPS24-0416
Jerry Howland   PPS24-0388
Kennedy Hoy   PPS24-0533
Martin Hueckel   PPS24-0231
Michael Huffman   PPS24-0060
Pamela Huffman   PPS24-0061
David Hughes   PPS24-0417
Greg Hulver   PPS24-0062
Samantha Huser   PPS24-0519
Jennifer Hyman   PPS24-0063
Travis Jackson   PPS24-0435
Alexis Jeffries   PPS24-0064
Zachary Jenkins   PPS24-0232
Aerica Johnson   PPS24-0520
Bret Johnson   PPS24-0066
Ronald Johnson   PPS24-0233
Shannon Johnson   PPS24-0389
Van Johnson   PPS24-0065
Matthew Jones   PPS24-0067
Patrick Jones   PPS24-0235
Frank Joseph   PPS24-0363
Angelique Julian   PPS24-0068
Russell Kaspar   PPS24-0503
Kenneth Kearney   PPS24-0236
Patrick Kennon   PPS24-0465
Chelsey Ketron   PPS24-0070
Leisa Ketron   PPS24-0069
Taylor Ketron   PPS24-0534
Nina Khattab   PPS24-0504
Brent Kirkhart   PPS24-0071
Janice Kirkhart   PPS24-0072
Tyler Kirkhart   PPS24-0073
Kenneth Klewick   PPS24-0237
Brian Knapp   PPS24-0074
Denis Kolb   PPS24-0488
Michele Kriner   PPS24-0238
Wyman Kroft   PPS24-0239
Aaron Kuhns   PPS24-0075
Cody Kyser   PPS24-0492
Kelly Land   PPS24-0240
Cecile Landrum   PPS24-0076
Anthony Lavarone   PPS24-0241
Marcus Lawing   PPS24-0242
Spencer Laws   PPS24-0077
Kevin LeBranche   PPS24-0078
Andrew Lecuyer   PPS24-0243
Jennifer Lecuyer   PPS24-0244
Dustin C Lee   PPS24-0364
Rocky Lee   PPS24-0365
Kimberly A Leo   PPS24-0550
Susan Lett   PPS24-0079
Tivol Lewis   PPS24-0390
John Lichtenegger   PPS24-0245
Bryan Liebhart   PPS24-0418
Taylor Link   PPS24-0466
Tara Little   PPS24-0467
Bert Lott   PPS24-0246
Terry Lunsford   PPS24-0080
Jean Lyle   PPS24-0515
Jamie Majors   PPS24-0081
Winnonna MaLinck   PPS24-0247
Robert MaLivek   PPS24-0248
Michael Marra   PPS24-0249
Genevieve Marrault   PPS24-0250
Kenneth Marshall   PPS24-0521
Curtis Martin   PPS24-0478
Deborah Martin   PPS24-0251
Michael Martin   PPS24-0252
Douglas Mason   PPS24-0419
Velinda McCarthy   PPS24-0444
Kristi Lee McClendon   PPS24-0483
Brianna McCullough   PPS24-0468
Billy McDaniel   PPS24-0082
Joshua McDonald   PPS24-0541
Lawrence McDowell   PPS24-0420
Sean P McGraw   PPS24-0496
Gabriel McGriff   PPS24-0544
Scott McKenna   PPS24-0445
Robert McKinney Jr.   PPS24-0391
Joanne McLean   PPS24-0253
Michael McMahon   PPS24-0254
Carter McPheeters   PPS24-0083
Edward McPheeters   PPS24-0084
Michael Meador   PPS24-0255
James Meadows   PPS24-0256
Lisa Medlen   PPS24-0535
Carrie Meite   PPS24-0257
Jerry Melber   PPS24-0258
Eric Mendenhall   PPS24-0259
Heather Merfen   PPS24-0085
Justin Mertzig   PPS24-0505
Justin Meyer   PPS24-0086
Jill E Miller   PPS24-0392
Mark Miller   PPS24-0260
Matthew Millholin   PPS24-0261
Keith Milligan   PPS24-0262
Douglas Mitchell   PPS24-0087
Laura Mitchell   PPS24-0088
Vivian Mitchell   PPS24-0263
Angela Molt   PPS24-0264
Carla Monegain   PPS24-0267
Jason Moody   PPS24-0522
Christopher Moore   PPS24-0265
Daniel Moore   PPS24-0266
Kevin J Morose   PPS24-0366
Michael Morrison   PPS24-0268
Anthony Mosley   PPS24-0536
Zachary Mueller   PPS24-0089
Drew Muessig   PPS24-0421
Andrew Murphy   PPS24-0523
Timothy Murphy   PPS24-0393
Allison Murray   PPS24-0484
Autumn Murry   PPS24-0090
Ayele-Kojo Muwwakkil   PPS24-0367
Delaney Myers   PPS24-0091
Michael Nairn   PPS24-0092
Paul Nardizzi   PPS24-0269
Annabel Navarro   PPS24-0270
Kwamell Neely   PPS24-0368
Wendy Neff   PPS24-0271
Jeremy Nicholas   PPS24-0497
Aubrianna Nichols   PPS24-0272
Charles Nichols   PPS24-0094
Diana Nichols   PPS24-0273
Jeffrey Nichols   PPS24-0274
Sandra Nichols   PPS24-0093
Kenneth L Nicklas Jr.   PPS24-0469
Carla Niekamp   PPS24-0470
Michael Noble   PPS24-0095
Michael Nolan   PPS24-0275
Greg Noll   PPS24-0096
Kevin Nunn   PPS24-0422
Daryl Oestreich   PPS24-0276
Janell Outland   PPS24-0471
Leigh Overstreet-Chambers   PPS24-0369
Daniel Owens   PPS24-0277
Michael Oystern   PPS24-0278
Craig Palmer   PPS24-0279
Cynthia Paris   PPS24-0280
Daniel Parker   PPS24-0485
David Parker   PPS24-0394
Jenlee Parker   PPS24-0281
Charles Patillo   PPS24-0423
Cody Patton   PPS24-0282
Jacob Pavlica   PPS24-0506
Rashad Payne   PPS24-0507
Bentley Pearson   PPS24-0527
Stuart Peck   PPS24-0508
Abigail Perez   PPS24-0097
George Perry   PPS24-0283
Mike Perry   PPS24-0098
Jacob M Peterson   PPS24-0370
Tiffany Peterson   PPS24-0371
Christy Phillips   PPS24-0344
Mona Phillips   PPS24-0099
Elizabeth Phillps   PPS24-0446
Tyler Pinder   PPS24-0284
Timothy Pinney   PPS24-0285
Dominic Playle   PPS24-0286
Craig Podjuski Jr.   PPS24-0287
Craig Podjuski Jr.   PPS24-0100
Craig Poese   PPS24-0101
Dennis Allen Porter   PPS24-0102
Nancy Porter   PPS24-0288
Bill Powell   PPS24-0103
Dee Ann Powell   PPS24-0104
Samantha Powell   PPS24-0105
Joseph Powers   PPS24-0106
Kenneth Prewett   PPS24-0107
Patricia Prewett   PPS24-0108
Benjamin Purser   PPS24-0289
Casey Putnam   PPS24-0290
Jadyn Ramey   PPS24-0291
Jason Ramey   PPS24-0292
Mark Rauss   PPS24-0109
Richard Raymond   PPS24-0110
Dennis Reaser   PPS24-0396
Guy Redlinger   PPS24-0293
Christopher Reed   PPS24-0294
Mark D Reed   PPS24-0111
Gavin Rees   PPS24-0295
Lisa Rees   PPS24-0296
Lisa Reiter   PPS24-0424
David Reyburn   PPS24-0395
Betty Rice   PPS24-0297
Karen Rice   PPS24-0298
Marybeth Rice   PPS24-0112
Steven Rice   PPS24-0299
Cheryl Richey   PPS24-0300
Lisa Richter   PPS24-0113
Chanse Ridgeway   PPS24-0301
Deana Rife   PPS24-0114
Elba Roark   PPS24-0115
Richard Rober   PPS24-0302
Ginger Roberston   PPS24-0493
David Roberts   PPS24-0303
Patricia Roberts   PPS24-0304
Sha'Vonti Robinson   PPS24-0425
Tammy Rodriquez   PPS24-0116
Autumn Rojas   PPS24-0472
Dhello Roland   PPS24-0551
Jonathan Rose   PPS24-0516
Richard Ross   PPS24-0305
Lawrence Roth   PPS24-0117
Robert Rowland   PPS24-0118
Kain Royer   PPS24-0447
Steve Rozlton   PPS24-0306
Ronald Rugen   PPS24-0307
Jennifer Ruiz   PPS24-0119
Kathy Rulo   PPS24-0449
Rene Rulo   PPS24-0448
Edna Russell   PPS24-0450
Anthony Sanders   PPS24-0397
Robert Sanders   PPS24-0308
Patrick Sanford   PPS24-0309
Vincent Sarelli   PPS24-0310
Brooke Schmidli   PPS24-0347
Steven Schmitt   PPS24-0311
Steven Schoenhut   PPS24-0473
Nathaniel Scott   PPS24-0312
Gregory Seher   PPS24-0120
Westley Seifert   PPS24-0313
Mindee Sharp   PPS24-0122
Spencer Sharp   PPS24-0123
Todd Sharp   PPS24-0121
Joe B Sherrod   PPS24-0124
Sarah Shewmaker   PPS24-0524
David Shirley   PPS24-0125
Kenneth Short   PPS24-0314
Michael Siegel   PPS24-0126
Eugene Sims Jr.   PPS24-0426
Jennifer Singleton   PPS24-0398
Carrie Jo Sisson   PPS24-0542
Holly Skaggs   PPS24-0127
James Skillman III   PPS24-0315
Laura Skinner   PPS24-0316
Thomas Skinner   PPS24-0317
Richard Skyles   PPS24-0427
Brandon Slopek   PPS24-0318
Brian Smith   PPS24-0319
Gean Smith   PPS24-0320
Katie Jo Smith   PPS24-0525
Mark B Smith   PPS24-0128
Shanita Smith   PPS24-0321
Connie Sommers   PPS24-0348
Kevin Sooter   PPS24-0528
Shannon Sooter   PPS24-0529
Concepcion Sosa   PPS24-0372
Anthony Spada   PPS24-0322
Melissa Spencer-Bryant   PPS24-0323
Shelby Stauble   PPS24-0324
Barbara Steil   PPS24-0325
Amanda Stevens   PPS24-0129
Randy Stone   PPS24-0130
Sonja Stone   PPS24-0131
Jason Stoor   PPS24-0326
Steven Stosur   PPS24-0327
Dylan Stricklin   PPS24-0452
Kalen Stricklin   PPS24-0451
Carrie Stroup   PPS24-0453
Brittney Strozier   PPS24-0349
Mark Sumler   PPS24-0132
Valerie Summer   PPS24-0133
Lisa Swader   PPS24-0328
Cody Swartz   PPS24-0134
David Swinford   PPS24-0373
Lorraine Swinford   PPS24-0374
Romona Talvacchino   PPS24-0329
Omari Tatum   PPS24-0509
Donald Taylor   PPS24-0428
Angela Teghtmeyer   PPS24-0458
Tim Thayer   PPS24-0135
Zachariah Thomas   PPS24-0399
Melvin Tibbs   PPS24-0136
Hilary Tichota   PPS24-0510
John Timmerberg   PPS24-0429
Tom Tippit   PPS24-0137
Gabriel Tranum   PPS24-0330
Jakob Tripses   PPS24-0331
Miles Troxel   PPS24-0138
Kristofer Turnbow   PPS24-0498
Joseph Twardowski   PPS24-0375
Richard Tyner   PPS24-0530
John E Udy   PPS24-0378
Samantha Ulrich   PPS24-0139
Michael Unthank   PPS24-0454
Scott Vance   PPS24-0376
Gage Vann-Rogers   PPS24-0332
Nicole Vaughn   PPS24-0474
Linsey Velasquez   PPS24-0402
Donald Venlos   PPS24-0430
Leonora Vestal   PPS24-0455
Robert Vick II   PPS24-0333
Joseph Volz   PPS24-0475
William Vornheder   PPS24-0334
Brad Votaw   PPS24-0140
Michael Wagner   PPS24-0335
Zachary Wakill   PPS24-0336
Sophia Washington   PPS24-0337
Stephen Waters   PPS24-0141
Hilary Watson   PPS24-0142
Gary Weaver   PPS24-0143
Marquita Webster   PPS24-0517
Austin Weekley   PPS24-0144
Doreen Weekley   PPS24-0145
Ryan E Weekley   PPS24-0146
Ryan M Weekley   PPS24-0147
Robert Weems   PPS24-0511
Scott Weichmann   PPS24-0151
Robert Weisher   PPS24-0148
Barbara West   PPS24-0338
Gregory Westerlund   PPS24-0339
Verrien Weston   PPS24-0149
Andrew Wheeler   PPS24-0526
Pam K Wheetley   PPS24-0400
Cindy S White   PPS24-0546
John White   PPS24-0340
Julianna White   PPS24-0377
Richard White   PPS24-0403
Andrew Wickliffe   PPS24-0150
Tad D Wight   PPS24-0404
Crystal Williams   PPS24-0341
Dennis M Williams   PPS24-0432
Rebecca A Williams   PPS24-0431
Gregory Willing   PPS24-0342
Charles Willis   PPS24-0152
Clayton Willis   PPS24-0433
Brittany Willoughby   PPS24-0153
Conni Wilson   PPS24-0154
Katie R Wood   PPS24-0379
Sally Worant   PPS24-0343
Gregory Young   PPS24-0155
Kathrine Young   PPS24-0456
Greg Zotta   PPS24-0457